Tuesday 8 May 2018

Group Rua- using animal arrays


  1. I learnt more about animal arrays and how it shows us groups of animals. 'Groups of' is the same as our times tables. WE can also use them for division, by putting the animals into equal groups which is our division.

  2. I loved doing that, and why because i need to do 1x12=12 and 12 divided by 1 is 12. When I use the animal arrays I can see that easily.

  3. I like the animal arrays because it helps me with my 'groups of' or times. I made 4 groups of 3 equals 12. I can write in a Maths way - 4 x 3 = 12

  4. Tracey (Blakes Mum)13 May 2018 at 15:43

    Wow Group Rua that is fantastic work. Blake, i am so proud of what you are achieving along with your other Rua buddies. I love the hard work you are all doing to learn this skill for life. Fantastic work. Thanks Mrs Madden
